Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Studious Stanley

Ya, Thats me.....
Working on a bunch of stuff which was not accomplished this past weekend:
One. because the weather was gorgeous, and I can't just sit and do homework when the sun is calling me.
Two. I developed a bad cold and therefore wanted to rest and not think.

But now, I still have a bad cold, and a worse headache than before. And this needs to be done. 
So I have sequestered myself in the library until I get a good chunk of this done.
I have a meeting tonight at 7 and I might have to skip American Idol :(

I am so hungry right now but don't feel like eating because I'm sick but I think I might pass out. How many calories do cough drops have??

PS. I'm wearing this new shirt today, its a brown linen button down from H&M. I love it but I'm wearing khakis and flipflawps and feel like Jesus, minus the beard and hippie hair.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Can be defined in many different ways with its definition specific to every person.

Well today, in my terms was perfect! :) Of course subtracting cupcakes and the beach from the equation...

I woke up and saw a beautiful day outside! I took my time getting ready and enjoyed a cup of fresh brewed coffee. I stepped outside into the warm sunlight and it felt spectacular! After shopping for a brief time for new chaise cushions, I spent my entire afternoon and evening outside. I sat on my deck and read almost an entire book, made homemade guacamole, listened to some great music (my new favorite band: Cut Copy) and made margaritas with my family.

The weather was freaking AMAZING. . . seriously it hit a high of 80 and there was a soft breeze. The sun hit my skin and I felt it flooding into my skin and through my body. I know that sounds weird because I'm talking about sunlight but seriously it was 'hot' ;) 
Besides having a sore throat, I am going to bed extremely happy and downright ecstatic.

I lived today to its full extent in memory of a friend, two years ago today you left this world but remain in our hearts. RIP

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's a beautiful morning!

It's gorgeoussss outside!
I cannot wait to sit out and relax in the sun! :)
I've waited all winter for this weather and it's finally here so I'm going to enjoy it!

Get out there and frolick!
Well maybe not frolick but go play tennis, take a walk, go for a jog, just do something outside! That way you won't have to feel guilty for eating last nights dessert ;) LOL

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

That's The Way It Is

OK I know its hard but stop looking at my fierce picture and read the blog! lol

Well I haven't posted in like a week and I am not quite sure why. My weekend was kind of busy and things are have been different for me. Another excuse... Twitter and Youtube. Yeah, they still have me brainwashed. 

The weathers starting to change and it becomes gorgeous outside! I love Spring!!! But that means I care less and less about doing work. It just doesn't interest me because I feel like it doesn't matter to anybody around me. I can't call it hard work but what I do seems to just fade into the rest of the world. I think that it could be pushing on me the idea of "uniqueness." 

The rest of me has yet to find a path.  I can't seem to find my way down to the warm sunny beach with a cool sea breeze and a Frappaccino and cupcakes (this is happiness in my world). Weird analogy but seriously, when does it happen? when do people find happiness? when do people know that everything is perfect??

I guess that I have time to figure this out for myself and find my unique qualities that make me stand out among the rest of the world. I typically sit in front of my computer and just talk and surf the internet.  After watching a video on youtube about reading, it honestly made me think that what the hell am I doing? Why am I wasting my time on this computer? It's not like I'm doing anything to further my knowledge besides finding out what Paris Hilton said to another celebrity.  

I am going to try really hard to focus my attention on something interesting and broaden my knowledge with reading; something other than school related.  I want to read the bestsellers and books that give positive light into this sometimes cloudy world.

Besides reading more, I think that I will try and vent my feelings, opinions, confessions, and stories, and maybe a little gossip ;) on the blog.

A huge life lesson: Accept yourself and the world you live in because that's they way it is.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Plaid Wednesday

Heyyy Bloogers! 
haha thats kinda fun...bloogers not bloggers Wow I'm bored

!! Happy Wednesday !!

"On Wednesdays, we wear PINK!" HAHA
^Name that movie!

Well I wear plaid! Actually this is only one of two plaid shirts I own, the other is a brown in the same pattern. Of course from Hollister.
So today is a good day :) I woke up FREEZING because I sleep next to a window and it got so cold! I don't know why. But I went to the gym and felt so energetic! Now i have that afternoon sleepiness syndrome, so i feel like napping :(
I've been twittering all day and its a terrible addiction! LOL once you turn on text alerts, it will never end! But I've met some cool people on there!

On a music note, 
I love Celine Dion. I never really listened to her and loved My Heart Will Go On ( I listened to that nonstop when Titanic came out). But I went on a downloading spree and got her new album. Let's just say its fantastic! My favorite song off of it is Eyes On Me, sounds like a James Bond title but its so hot! It has what I call "Arabicness" to it. (I don't mean any offense, but it sounds like Aladdin, so i call it that!) 
Also, Mariah's song Migrate is catching on to me! It just makes me wanna move my hips! Let's give it time!

Well I'm off to go to Starbucks for the third time today! :D

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cleveland's Next Top Model!


Ok so I realize that the History Channel is still on because there are SOME people that watch it.
I cannot stand it! Ugh
It bugs the crap out of me! Im not calling history not important but this channel is just blah! 
The narration is boring and makes them talking about "how to make a aluminum can" exciting.
(I'm not joking, my roommate was watching that last night)
I think they need RosstheIntern or someone like Nicole Richie lol. They'd make it so much more worth watching!
Maybe it just bugs me because it's always on and gets turned on for background tv. Put on something good like music videos or a sitcom which is funny! aka Friends?! Will & Grace?!

Who would you want to narrate a show!?

Flip Flops!

Breaking News!
Its flip flop weather!!! Yayyyyy!
It's great weather out side and it means that summer is coming!
I can't wait.
It means summer, tanning, smoothies, frappaccinos, tanning oil, daiquiris, nachos, the beach, camp outs, late night movies, toasted marshmallows, etc....!
(can you tell I'm thinking about food?? lol)
What do you looove about summer???

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Hills!

The Hills
is on tonight!
10 PM on MTV
I've just gotten into the show but its addicting! Love the drama and friendly backstabbing, plus it has celebrity/paparazzi reality style with a hint of script. 
Gimme thoughts!

Seriously I hate Spencer's character ( yes character because they aren't real!)
He's a jerk and just because his sisters being friendly, he makes her cry! Wait, in his words, "she's making herself cry" Gawd!
I support Stephanie and Lauren's new found friendship. But Audrina and Heidi, thats illegal. And the fact that Audrina is being all shady about it, is bad and will turn worse!
This show is soo dramatic...I love it! 
PS. Also love the music from it and how MTV tells you what's playing!

Tired and Twittered

Ahhhh...Aren't Mondays fantastic!?
Well in a desperate plea for attention, I procrastinated a project and had to stay up until 2 AM to finish it. Then I had to wake up at 6 AM for class. But surprisingly, I was in a great mood last night and didn't stress about all the work. It was very odd. Usually I am freaking out that I have so much to do. I think that it's my dramatic personality that comes out. 

Last week, I discovered something amazing and have been obsessed with it every since.....

It's a website that you log into and you have a profile. You then write updates about yourself that are less then 140 characters. It's very similar to Facebook updates.  You can write whatever you want and then you can search other people and "follow" them and they "follow" you. Its a crazy cycle but honestly I've been updating like every hour and everybody else does it like twice a day. They probably think I'm crazy! Haha But my texts will be skyhigh because I get Twitter texts now lol.

Well Enjoy your Monday! Thanks For Stopping By!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Do the Scrunch!

I've done this face since I was a baby. I don't know why but its like a stretch lol.
I do it like 3-4 times a day.
I challenge you !!!!!!
Try the scrunch!!!!
Just make sure nobodys looking because as you can see...its not very attractive!
Haha totally random

But on a serious note, the pregnant man.
This is very strange and at first your like WTF.
Look into the subject but before judgement, understand that he is a person. Think about it. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So I'm tired.
Went to bed late from homework.
Woke up early.
So I leave you with this video, it's slow and relaxing and I Love AliciaKeys! :)
Have an amazing day!
PS. Stay Awake!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Peace Y'all!

I do the classic Peace Pout Pose as seen in paparazzi pics of Miley Cyrus and most Myspace profiles lol.
But I think that it brings up an imporant issue...War & Peace....

Every Miss America wishes for world peace, but do we all agree???
I am clearly a moderator of the topic and don't like to take sides, but I do believe there are times that call for war in order to make peace.
In this upcoming election, War poses as an important issue between candidates.  If there was to be peace, would all these peace supporters truly be happy or will there be another issue that is brought up in its place? 

Just a question that comes up in my thoughts. What are your thoughts?

PS. You like my dressy attire?? ;)
