Okay so that title doesn't really work, but I like it so there mwah.
Tonight in Kerli's video chat she really talked deeply about things and to me she is more a normal person than a celebrity. She talked about how people who are in the business for the money are making their own decisions and its their lives. Kerli believes that each person is set out to do something in their lives and she is doing what she dreams of. Or at least that is what I received from her discussion.
Another subject was regrets. She thinks that it is important to have no regrets in life.
In my life, there are plenty of things that I regret and disagree with my actions. Is it hard to overcome those? Yes. As someone matures they look at all directions, past, present, and future. Most times one of those three take precedent and cause the most stress or anxiety. It changes from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, but what I realize is that without being comfortable with your own past, how can you look clearly towards the future?
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