So you might be wondering how this happened.
During my golf tournament I was at, I was driving up a small hill to the parking lot with Jenn in the passenger seat. I was on the phone with my golf team member in my left hand. PS. It had just downpoured for three hours previously. Jenn decides we need to go right so she jerks the wheel and my phone goes flying out of my left hand slamming into the wet pavement. The battery falls out and I turn it on to a total disaster.
Good news is that I am getting a replacement phone shipped to me in a few days. Jenn was nice enough to pay the replacement fee.
That was the crazy part of my day and helped my PMS'ing mood step up two levels of bitchiness to almost a tearing pity party but was saved by a Grande Caffe Vanilla Light Frappuccino.
aww. well at least you're getting a new one.
jenn is a total whore. but a nice whore.
kudos to her for manning up.
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