here's the deal, I really have not been in the mood to write my feelings/thoughts/adventures online for the past like two weeks. I have been in the state of mind where I do not really care about anything. I got my first ever speeding ticket and was so mad but I put it behind me. I had issues with my apartment, but got over it. My car broke down and cost me a lot fix, but I paid the bill and she runs fine now. Now if I came to my blog and just complained about all of these things then I don't think anybody would really care. So things are going to change, or so I hope.
I want to start writing about all kinds of topics on here. I don't need a blog to vent my feelings especially because I may not want them read by random people. I sometimes go throughout the day and think to myself, "I should blog about _______ and ______." I have random thoughts and I seem to forget to write them down. LoL. If any of my readers, which is like four people, have any questions or topics they would like me to write about, please feel free to email me or comment with suggestions. (tflo555@gmail.com)

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