Well I'm going to give a quick run down of what went down:
Okay so my big ballon of nerves that I had last week...it didn't pop. haha I was nervous the entire weekend and I felt a lot of anxiety the whole time. Unfortunately I thought that turning to alcohol to loosen up my nerves would help. Well I did until I blacked out and forgot everything that happened last night. I really hate to admit this because its embarassing. If I am going to drink I want to have a good time and remember my funness; I always say this to people when it comes to drinking. Do I always abide by this??? No. In my viewpoint, I think that alcohol requires responsibility.
I feel like alcohol lets me be more outgoing but crave more attention than usual. I mean who doesn't love a little attention? haha. But like I will do and say things just to get people to notice me. Another quality of myself I tend to dislike. And whatever is on my mind will just spill out and I keep alot in so getting drunk should not be on my top priorities especially when meeting new people. . .
So the reason we went to NYC for the weekend was for the 789 Youtube Gathering!! I haven't been into youtube lately because my internet sucked in Europe and I would much rather go experience cultures than sit and watch videos. So I felt stupid not knowing a bunch of people that were there but it was so much fun seeing and meeting people that had one thing in common. It has made me more excited to watch videos because there are a lot of people I met that are really cool!!
The people that I stayed with were great and I miss them already. I love staying in hotels with like 5 or 6 people because it's so much more fun to hang out and plus you get to sleep together ;) haha. But yea I am so glad that they made such an effort to come here.
I love staying in NYC because its just so different that what I'm used to; small town suburb at home and a small city for school. The people there are so unique and I feel like I fit into the city life. But I honestly think that I would fit into a west coast city even though I grew up on the east.
Anyways, this is a really long post but I think this past weekend has let me grow as a person and let me see that everything happens for a reason.
Random Song: Surrender - Ashlee Simpson. I don't know what to do for titles of these blogs so I'm just doing this. Alot easier!
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