We were talking and I was telling her everything that was happening in my life and while we were talking I had a WOW moment. Do you know what those are?? I think they might just be in the hotel business when someone makes a guest feel extra special and makes them go wow. lol
So about this WOW moment....
She was talking to me about friends and how they come and go like seasons. How they can be there for you maybe for a month or a year but they all have a purpose. At this moment, there was like a rapid list of friend's faces that ran through my mind and it struck me. In my mind I just had to say WOW. It really made me think because it goes back to that saying everything happens for a reason, which is hard to accept sometimes. I have thought more about it and found that it's true.
One of my friends I met freshman year and got really close with over the past two years has since faded away in my life. She was such an influence on me last summer and has helped me become who I am today. But nowadays I don't feel an attachment to her anymore even though I really want to since she has had such a big effect on me. I realized that she was a season. I hope that we can reconnect in the future but I'll have to wait in see.
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