Friday, July 24, 2009

Thesis Failure

So as part of my scholarship requirements is to write an honors thesis paper about ANYTHING that we want but it has to be passed by all of the four board members. It has to be at least 25 pages and all MLA formatted. I picked the topic of caffiene...I know right!? Well I have a lot of personal experience. haha It is about society's addiction to the substance of caffeine.
Before I left for Switzerland in March I was SOOOO STRESSED OUT because I had to pack and finish this paper before I left. I got reponses from two of the board members and they said it needed work and that I had to see a writing tutor. A tutor!? Really? I felt stupid but after looking at my paper again, it defintely needed some tweaks. lol

Ok so to the main reason why I am blogging: I had a couple meetings with a writing tutor and she was really nice and helped me out but was tearing my paper apart!!! She was crossing out all these sentences that I wanted in there and I started getting really defensive about it. Like I understand that she has a lot more experience when it comes to writing but it just bugged me that she was editing it like it was her paper. She changed a bunch of sentences for structure and a few grammar errors but then suggested changing around topics and stuff. I am way to lazy to do that much work on it. It is sooo hard to try and reorganize a 25 page paper!
I hope I can fix it up before September and that the board will approve it. I need to keep this scholarship :/

Ok that was a little boring but I had to vent it out! :)

1 comment:

Devonmonster said...

Why would you get defensive.. that's her job
