Friday, July 24, 2009

Thesis Failure

So as part of my scholarship requirements is to write an honors thesis paper about ANYTHING that we want but it has to be passed by all of the four board members. It has to be at least 25 pages and all MLA formatted. I picked the topic of caffiene...I know right!? Well I have a lot of personal experience. haha It is about society's addiction to the substance of caffeine.
Before I left for Switzerland in March I was SOOOO STRESSED OUT because I had to pack and finish this paper before I left. I got reponses from two of the board members and they said it needed work and that I had to see a writing tutor. A tutor!? Really? I felt stupid but after looking at my paper again, it defintely needed some tweaks. lol

Ok so to the main reason why I am blogging: I had a couple meetings with a writing tutor and she was really nice and helped me out but was tearing my paper apart!!! She was crossing out all these sentences that I wanted in there and I started getting really defensive about it. Like I understand that she has a lot more experience when it comes to writing but it just bugged me that she was editing it like it was her paper. She changed a bunch of sentences for structure and a few grammar errors but then suggested changing around topics and stuff. I am way to lazy to do that much work on it. It is sooo hard to try and reorganize a 25 page paper!
I hope I can fix it up before September and that the board will approve it. I need to keep this scholarship :/

Ok that was a little boring but I had to vent it out! :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday Filling

So Scotty, aka Theophi1us, asked me to fill in for Tuesday for his collab channel 5SortaStraightGuys!
So I did!
It was really fun and I had other ideas for the video but I just wanted to introduce myself :)
Here is my video!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Virgo & Pisces = 4eva!

Ok hopefully this is my last distraction before I crack down on homework....

Today I was in Urban Outfitters with my friend Sade, I love that store btw!, and we were caught up looking at all the fun books they have. Seriously theyre so much fun. You have to go there if you haven't. I love all the housewares and decorations they have along with the hot clothes they sell too. haha
So Sade commands me "COME HERE AND LOOK AT THIS!"
I'm like "Oh Gawd...what??"
She's like "What is your sign?" I reply, "Virgo, why?"
"Oh we are not meant to be together" Then she continues reading and realizes that Virgos and Pisces are complementary!!! They go perfect together so she reads to me how they get along great. She is obviously a Pisces but it was so interesting to read about my sign and what type of person Virgos typically are...I matched it almost to a tee. Very scary!
(It said I would most likely wait a long time before I find the right person. UGH!)

Just thought I'd share this because you should look up your astrological sign and see who complements you! Then see what friends of yours match up with you. Sade and I always get along great and spent the afternoon trying not to spend any money shopping...we did pretty well :)
PS. She has a long term boyfriend and she is definitely not my type ;) So get that thought out of your minds!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

WOW Moment

The other night at work I was catching up with my work mom. She is amazing to me. I really miss her and she doesn't work that much, so when I get to see her it really means a lot.
We were talking and I was telling her everything that was happening in my life and while we were talking I had a WOW moment. Do you know what those are?? I think they might just be in the hotel business when someone makes a guest feel extra special and makes them go wow. lol

So about this WOW moment....
She was talking to me about friends and how they come and go like seasons. How they can be there for you maybe for a month or a year but they all have a purpose. At this moment, there was like a rapid list of friend's faces that ran through my mind and it struck me. In my mind I just had to say WOW. It really made me think because it goes back to that saying everything happens for a reason, which is hard to accept sometimes. I have thought more about it and found that it's true.
One of my friends I met freshman year and got really close with over the past two years has since faded away in my life. She was such an influence on me last summer and has helped me become who I am today. But nowadays I don't feel an attachment to her anymore even though I really want to since she has had such a big effect on me. I realized that she was a season. I hope that we can reconnect in the future but I'll have to wait in see.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Love

Ah! I feel like it is finally summer! Well I still have one more week of summer classes but I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and a chance to actually have a real summer! This is technically my last summer as a college student before I hit the real world! Scary! Definitely.

Well I am off to buy Breaking Dawn! I am excited to see what happens! Most people say that it takes them like a week or two to finish all four books. Well they don't have lives! It's taking me over a year but I had alot going on.

Anyways the lawn looks really green and was just not by me. I don't do that unless I'm paid. Haha

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting Over You

Esmee Denter's "Getting Over You"

I love this song so much!
I really should be doing homework but I keep listening to her music and feel like sharing it with y'all!
The rest of the cd is really good but this is one of my fav's along with "Bigger than the world."
Andy sent me one of her songs and I fell in love with her!!! Check her out and let me know what you think!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mr. Martha Stewart

So last spring I studied abroad in Switzerland and traveled throughout Europe as much as I could. It was a surreal and amazing experience for me! I have no regrets about going and would soooo do it again if I could!
The people that I went with became the people who I spent every minute with. Of course spending time with the same people you tend to get annoyed sometimes but I have to admit. They changed me. I was able to meet them and make friends with no strings attached. They knew nothing about me before going and it was such a clean slate. Mainly because they couldnt stalk my facebook profile. haha. Anyways, I was able to gain a bunch of new friendships that I have still two months afterwards!

Which leads me to the reason I am blogging...haha
This guy who I traveled with a bunch of times and was such an enabler when it came to drinking lives down in North Carolina. He was up this past weekend to see his girlfriend who he actually met on our trip in Switz, but I wanted to see him so I decided on throwing a cocktail party!
I loooove party planning and organizing get togethers. I sometimes go overboard especially with food. Last night I made so much food from bruschetta to little chicken cordon bleu's to taco dip and other snacks. I was honored with the title, "Mr. Martha Stewart." haha. I guess it is fitting for such a good host!

But some other friends came over and we just caught up and told stories from Europe. It was really great and a lot of fun! It made me so grateful for the friends that are in my life that make it all worth while. Not just these people that came over either, I realized how great all of my friends are to me and put up with my craziness and respect me for who I am. It means the world to me. :) :)

I finish school in November but I am hoping that I will have the chance to plan a roadtrip down south to NC! I think it would be so much fun and already have a place to stay! Free lodging??? I am soo down! Plus I'd want to make a few stops along the way, like D.C. and Philly. I hope it will work out and I will have a job to pay for the trip too!! I think that's the biggest factor.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Where to start....
Well I'm going to give a quick run down of what went down:
Okay so my big ballon of nerves that I had last didn't pop. haha I was nervous the entire weekend and I felt a lot of anxiety the whole time. Unfortunately I thought that turning to alcohol to loosen up my nerves would help. Well I did until I blacked out and forgot everything that happened last night. I really hate to admit this because its embarassing. If I am going to drink I want to have a good time and remember my funness; I always say this to people when it comes to drinking. Do I always abide by this??? No. In my viewpoint, I think that alcohol requires responsibility.
I feel like alcohol lets me be more outgoing but crave more attention than usual. I mean who doesn't love a little attention? haha. But like I will do and say things just to get people to notice me. Another quality of myself I tend to dislike. And whatever is on my mind will just spill out and I keep alot in so getting drunk should not be on my top priorities especially when meeting new people. . .

So the reason we went to NYC for the weekend was for the 789 Youtube Gathering!! I haven't been into youtube lately because my internet sucked in Europe and I would much rather go experience cultures than sit and watch videos. So I felt stupid not knowing a bunch of people that were there but it was so much fun seeing and meeting people that had one thing in common. It has made me more excited to watch videos because there are a lot of people I met that are really cool!!

The people that I stayed with were great and I miss them already. I love staying in hotels with like 5 or 6 people because it's so much more fun to hang out and plus you get to sleep together ;) haha. But yea I am so glad that they made such an effort to come here.

I love staying in NYC because its just so different that what I'm used to; small town suburb at home and a small city for school. The people there are so unique and I feel like I fit into the city life. But I honestly think that I would fit into a west coast city even though I grew up on the east.

Anyways, this is a really long post but I think this past weekend has let me grow as a person and let me see that everything happens for a reason.

Random Song: Surrender - Ashlee Simpson. I don't know what to do for titles of these blogs so I'm just doing this. Alot easier!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This Love

So I am starting a new adventure tomorrow, I'm going down to New York City to meet up with a bunch of people! I am realllllly excited but reallllly nervous!!!
It's kind of a big deal to me because I feel like this is a large step for me in my effort to become more open and extroverted. I am going to be meeting a lot of new people and don't want my usual reserved self to take over but instead be a friendly person towards everybody, well not everybody, I usually ignore the beggars. (I'm sorry but more than likely you made poor life choices to put you in the position to beg for food or money). I don't usually have any pity for them. Okay...Off topic...But yea, I am going down with my best friend Dan and having an amazing opportunity to meet up with E-friends!! It is incredible to experience friendship through technology and have it last over a year and not really know if you will ever have the chance to meet in person...well it's happening for me and I am ecstatic! :D I've had feelings of anxiety and stress and nervousness but it almost seems like I'm sitting on a big balloon and it's about to POP!
I have told many people including my mom about what I'm doing this weekend and I feel like some of them judge me negatively for having a friend I "met online." Times have changed. It is no longer a sketchy experience. I am pretty sure that I know Andy better than many of my friends so meeting in person will only make our friendship stronger!
Well I really need to get some sleep so I am 86'ing my nerves and going to go to bed!!!
:) :)
PS. I am totally getting Pinkberry tomorrow. Super excited for their new flavors! Coconut and Passion Fruit yummmmmm
PSS. Random Song : This Love - Maroon 5

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Love Sex Magic

So I was told that I should post more often...and the thought had occured to me in the past but there was really nothing I wanted to discuss out in the open; personal feelings that is. But I really should have blogged because I traveled Europe for three months in the Spring for school. Everybody else had blogs and updated them for family and friends. I didn't. I am mad at myself now for not doing it! It's in the past....along with my idea that supression is a good way to express my feelings. Wrong wrong wrong!
I have a tendency to complain/bitch/openly vent about things that bother me just because I want to get it out. But I realized this isn't always good because it is not my true feelings, it is just blabber. I want to reinvent this blog. Make it better. Let it work for me and not me working for it.
So this reinvention is going to start now.
I have a lot going on in my life and hope that I will keep up with this.
Thank you.
Peace, Love, & Cupcakes [}}


PS. Random Shuffle Song: Love Sex Magic - Ciara ft. Justin Timberlake (Well it was first a song from Martha Stewart's Nap Time CD but I didn't want to admit that I have it...ugh I just did lol)
