Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Love Sex Magic

So I was told that I should post more often...and the thought had occured to me in the past but there was really nothing I wanted to discuss out in the open; personal feelings that is. But I really should have blogged because I traveled Europe for three months in the Spring for school. Everybody else had blogs and updated them for family and friends. I didn't. I am mad at myself now for not doing it! It's in the past....along with my idea that supression is a good way to express my feelings. Wrong wrong wrong!
I have a tendency to complain/bitch/openly vent about things that bother me just because I want to get it out. But I realized this isn't always good because it is not my true feelings, it is just blabber. I want to reinvent this blog. Make it better. Let it work for me and not me working for it.
So this reinvention is going to start now.
I have a lot going on in my life and hope that I will keep up with this.
Thank you.
Peace, Love, & Cupcakes [}}


PS. Random Shuffle Song: Love Sex Magic - Ciara ft. Justin Timberlake (Well it was first a song from Martha Stewart's Nap Time CD but I didn't want to admit that I have it...ugh I just did lol)

1 comment:

ArsenicLime said...

Especially the cupcakes.
I also love that my word verification says 'splat'.
